“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
There is a lot of warning going on in the second chapter of Colossians; this is one of them. I think it is in three parts, but first, the word “Spoil” – I take it to mean “rob” as in plunder. I could check a newer translation, and I will, but first, an attempt at my own interpretation.
1 – Philosophy and vain deceit are paired, not necessarily a knock on philosophy as we know it. There were (and still are) philosophers who were charlatans. What they have to say is vain deceit. However, I think the warning is a little broader. I get the impression that Paul would also like for believers to be wary of even the serious philosophers. There’s nothing better than the saving grace of Jesus.
2 – “The tradition of men” may not be philosophy and it may not be simply vain deceit. Many traditions are held onto sincerely by simple people who have learned this one way of living. But where these traditions keep you from Christ, discard them.
3 – “The rudiments of the world” I take to mean the way the world works. That is, whatever the majority of people consider most necessary. Things like money and pleasure seeking. Again, they may be nice but where they keep you from Christ, they are wrong. Didn’t Jesus say something about letting the dead bury their dead? And about leaving family and friends to take up one’s cross and follow him?
“Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday…”
Another warning. Kind of a “you’re not the boss of me” moment. Only God is that boss. I don’t think this suggests that one should believe that there is no authority on Earth above you. I think this means that we should obey those whose authority comes from God. Tricky. How do you know if it comes from God? Discernment.
“Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels…”
I wonder what is meant by “voluntary humility” but the rest is clear. People may not be too ready to worship angels anymore, but, oddly, they do worship lesser beings all the time. I’ve had students say they would do anything Britney Spears asked them to do. Britney Spears! Talk about your “Voluntary humility”!