Galatians 2:16a
In fact, as is drummed into us throughout the New Testament (and in some spots in the Old Testament as well) if we're going to be found acceptable in the estimation of our maker, it will not be becuase of anything we do (though we are also exhorted to do much). We rely on the mercy and love of God for our saving grace. Scary in some ways. After all, there is no way for US to guarantee that God will, in fact, love us -- there is no right number of box tops to collect. We are totally dependent. For many this is unnerving. Wouldn't it be better to know that if you complete certain tasks, difficult as they may be, that you'll gain God's approval (not to mention blissful eternity in Heaven)?
And yet, having known God for many years now, I can say without equivocation that it is far better to rely on God's mercy and love rather than on the strength of my arms (or my courage or my organizational skills, etc). With as often as I fail at even the tasks I set for myself, I'd much rather rely on the unchanging, infallible qualities of God. He knew what he was doing when He set up the arrangement between himself and mankind in this format.
Yet, does it keep one from worrying about their salvation? I think it should. After all, it isn't in our hands, frail as they are. It rests with God ultimately, and His hands are large, gentle, and strong.